Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Sugar Cookie Madness!!!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008 is National Sugar Cookie Day!!!

So, naturally, we had to celebrate at the Cafe where I work. I took on this project all by myself, and ended up making something like 24 dozen sugar cookies. It was a bit over the top, but I had a little fun doing it. I took a hint from my sister, and shot some pics along the way. I will not, however, go into step-by-step detail on how I did every little thing. Enjoy!


no se somos muchas said...

I send you my mail because I would like to talk with you.

see you

KJ said...

Wow--24 dozen sugar cookies is quite an undertaking. They turned out really cute, and I bet they were delicious. I especially like the cactus cookies.

p.s. I like all the pics!

--your sis