Saturday, July 19, 2008

Dark Knight...what a night!

So, as everyone knows, the newest Batman movie Dark Knight just premiered at midnight Friday morning. The museum where I work holds the only IMAX theatre in Austin, and we hosted the premiere starting at 10pm Thursday night. So, while everyone was waiting in line to go into the theatre, my boss and I set up a concessions table out in the Rotunda and sold treats. I personally made around 300 "Bat Signal Cupcakes," dozens of "Batarang Cookies" and "Kapow! Cookies," and lots of "Batwing Truffles." I, of course, didn't have a camera on me, and wasn't able to take any pictures of these delectable goodies. Luckily for me, Fox News here in town thought my handiwork was cool enough to put on their Good Day Austin news cast on Friday morning. There is a nice story about the museum, very informative, and then right at the very end, you get to see my handiwork for about 3 seconds. I will post the link, and I expect everyone to check it out!!! This is the first time anything I have crafted made it on to the news, so I am really excited!!!

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